
with Learn and Speak Dessau

telc (The European Language Certificates)

The European Language Certificates are a system of language examinations which originated on the initiative of the European Commission. It is recognised throughout Europe and there are over 40 examinations, some of which are job-related, in 9 languages.

With a telc European Language Certificate (according to the reference framework of the EU Commission), you document your current level of knowledge, also job-related, in the various languages by means of a globally recognised certificate - an advantage for every job application and one that gives you opportunities for promotion.

We conduct these examinations at various levels in cooperation with telc GmbH. Each examination consists of a written part (Reading, Writing and Listening) and an oral examination.


Languages in which you can obtain a European Language Certificate:

  • English
  • German
  • Spanish
  • French
  • Italian
  • Portuguese
  • Russian
  • Czech
  • Turkish

telc Deutschprüfungen

Daniel Schäf
Telefon: +49 3 40/260 26 30

telc Englischprüfungen

John Lazaridis
Telefon: +49 3 40/260 26 14

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