Funded German Courses, Education Vouchers, Education Premium

State-funded vocational further education

Funded language courses for individuals

There are various government-funded programs available for your professional development. These programs offer financial incentives to make further education more affordable and expand your career opportunities.


Eligibility requirement for course participation

To participate in the courses, the prerequisite is a written placement test. This may be supplemented with an interview with the educational director to determine suitability and the appropriate starting module.

Our course graduates have an above-average job placement rate of over 75% in the first job market. Over 80% of them achieve the course objectives with excellent results (such as TOEIC or telc certification).

Learn and Speak is involved in the Logistics Network in Central Germany as a provider of business languages for companies. We also collaborate with other educational institutions working in areas such as technology, logistics, business professions, and healthcare.

Education voucher

The Federal Employment Agency offers an education voucher to promote vocational foreign language training for unemployed individuals, employees, and those returning to work. The voucher is issued when the responsible employment agency deems further training necessary.

Education premium (premium voucher)

With the premium voucher, the state covers a portion of the costs for further education in a foreign language. Employees and self-employed individuals with a taxable annual income of up to 20,000 euros (jointly assessed: up to 40,000 euros) are eligible to apply for the voucher. Employees on maternity leave, parental leave, or nursing leave are also eligible.

To receive the premium voucher, a counseling session at a counseling center is required. During this consultation, personal requirements, specific goals of further education, and the necessary qualifications are discussed.

You can find the counseling center nearest to your region here.

The counseling center will provide guidance on various aspects of the education premium, including:

  • What type of further education do you wish to pursue?
  • What should be the goal of the course or training?
  • Have you already identified a specific provider, etc.?

 The counseling center will assess eligibility criteria, provide a list of at least three continuing education providers, and issue a personal premium voucher.

 The premium voucher can be used for courses, exams, certificates, and any other measures that contribute to further education.

Activation and placement voucher

The activation and placement voucher (AVGS) is issued by the employment agency to certify that a job seeker or unemployed individual meets the eligibility requirements for one or more measures aimed at activation and professional integration. The voucher specifies the objective and content of the measure, and a funding commitment is provided.


This grant supports individual job-related continuing education and the acquisition of additional qualifications for trainees and students at vocational schools in Saxony-Anhalt. It aims to enhance knowledge, expand skills, and develop competencies.

This program offers opportunities for individual vocational qualifications and courses that accompany apprenticeships or school education, helping individuals achieve their professional aspirations.

 More information about this support program can be found here.

Sponsored German courses

Integration Courses

Integration courses promote the integration of legally residing foreigners in Germany into the economic, cultural, and social life of the country. Since November 2015, asylum seekers and tolerated individuals with good prospects of remaining in Germany can also apply for integration courses to facilitate faster integration. Currently, asylum seekers from the following countries of origin are eligible to apply: Eritrea, Iraq, Iran, Somalia, and Syria.

In addition to these groups, citizens of the European Union (EU), spouses, cohabitants, or family members can also apply to participate in integration courses with financial support.


Job-Related German Courses

Parallel to or following integration courses, job-related language and further qualification modules are funded for job seekers and employed migrants and refugees. The national job-related German language support comprises various modules that can be individually combined in a modular fashion, combining German language instruction with measures provided by the Federal Employment Agency.

Ihre Ansprechpartner/innen


Agentur für Arbeit

Kerstin Lingner
Telefon: +49 3 40/260 26 0


Daniel Schäf
Telefon: +49 3 40/260 26 30

Your Contact Person(s)

Kerstin Lingner

Phone: +49 3 40/260 26 0



We are here to provide you with guidance and support!

 Contact us by phone at 0340 26026-0, via email, or simply use our contact form.

 We look forward to hearing from you!


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Note: You can revoke this consent at any time with future effect by sending an email to the selected center.
