Funded Language Courses for Companies

Actively invest in the skills of your employees and take advantage of government funding

Government Funding Programs for Companies

Improve your market opportunities, gain important competitive advantages, and unleash innovation forces. Actively invest in the skills of your employees and secure the future of your company.

It is worthwhile to further qualify your own employees with the financial support of the Federal Employment Agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit) and the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge).


Opportunities for Qualification Act

In 2019, the program was expanded through the Qualification Act. You can find all the information about it here.


Further Training in Companies

WEITERBILDUNG BETRIEB supports the further training of employees, self-employed individuals, freelancers, and entrepreneurs, as well as consulting and support services for the development and implementation of a future-oriented and employee-oriented personnel policy.

Detailed information about WEITERBILDUNG BETRIEB can be found here.


Funded German Courses

Integration Courses

The integration of legally permanent residents in Germany into economic, cultural, and social life is promoted. Since November 2015, asylum seekers and tolerated individuals with a good prospect of staying in Germany can also apply for access to integration courses. Currently, asylum seekers from the following countries of origin can apply: Eritrea, Iraq, Iran, Somalia, and Syria.

In addition to these groups, citizens of the European Union (EU), spouses, life partners, or family members can participate in integration courses upon request.

The language goal of the integration courses is the GER language level B1.


Occupational German Courses

Parallel to or following the integration courses, occupation-specific language and further qualification modules are funded for job-seeking migrants and refugees as well as employed individuals. The national occupation-specific German language promotion consists of various modules that can be individually combined like building blocks and integrate German language instruction with measures from the Federal Employment Agency.

Currently, occupation-specific German courses with GER language goals A2, B1, B2, C1, as well as special modules for academic healthcare professions, non-academic healthcare and nursing professions, and trade are funded.

Your contact person(s)

Xandra Mendel
Phone: +49 3 40/260 26 13


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